
We study an epidemic model for a constant population by taking into account four compartments of the individuals characterizing their states of health. Each individual is in one of the following compartments: susceptible S; incubated, i.e., infected yet not infectious, C; infected and infectious I; and recovered, i.e., immune, R. An infection is visible only when an individual is in state I. Upon infection, an individual performs the transition pathway S→C→I→R→S, remaining in compartments C, I, and R for a certain random waiting time t_{C}, t_{I}, and t_{R}, respectively. The waiting times for each compartment are independent and drawn from specific probability density functions (PDFs) introducing memory into the model. The first part of the paper is devoted to the macroscopic S-C-I-R-S model. We derive memory evolution equationsinvolving convolutions (time derivatives of general fractional type). We consider several cases. The memoryless case is represented by exponentially distributed waiting times. Cases of long waiting times with fat-tailed waiting-time distributions are considered as well where the S-C-I-R-S evolution equationstake the form of time-fractional ordinary differential equations. We obtain formulas for the endemic equilibrium and a condition of its existence for cases when the waiting-time PDFs have existing means. We analyze the stability of healthy and endemic equilibria and derive conditions for which the endemic state becomes oscillatory (Hopf) unstable. In the second part, we implement a simple multiple-random-walker approach (microscopic model of Brownian motion of Z independent walkers) with random S-C-I-R-S waiting times in computer simulations. Infections occur with a certain probability by collisions of walkers in compartments I and S. We compare the endemic states predicted in the macroscopic model with the numerical results of the simulations and find accordance of high accuracy. We conclude that a simple random-walker approach offers an appropriate microscopic description for the macroscopic model. The S-C-I-R-S-type models open a wide field of applications allowing the identification of pertinent parameters governing the phenomenology of epidemic dynamics such as extinction, convergence to a stable endemic equilibrium, or persistent oscillatory behavior.

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