
1. Introduction and Guide to the Volume 2. Overview and Synthesis 3. Measuring Social Norms and Preferences Using Experimental Games: A Guide for Social Sciences 4. Coalitional Effects on Reciprocal Fairness in the Ultimatum Game: A Case from the Ecuadorian Amazon 5. Comparative Experimental Evidence from Machiguenga, Mapuche, Huinca, and American Populations Shows Substantial Variation Among Social Groups in Bargaining and Public Goods Behavior 6. Dictators and Ultimatums in an Egalitarian Society of Hunter-Gatherers - the Hadza of Tanzania 7. Does Market Exposure Affect Economic Game Behavior? The Ultimatum Game and the Public Goods Game Among the Tsimane of Bolivia 8. Market Integration, Reciprocity, and Fairness in Rural Papua New Guinea: Results from a Two-Village Ultimatum Game Experiment 9. Ultimatum Game with an Ethnicity Manipulation: Results from Khovdiin Bulgan Sum, Mongolia 10. Kinship, Familiarity, and Trust: An Experimental Investigation 11. Community Structure, Mobility, and the Strength of Norms in an Africa Society: the Sangu of Tanzania 12. Market Integration and Fairness: Evidence from Ultimatum, Dictator, and Public Goods Experiments in East Africa 13. Economic Experiments to Examine Fairness and Cooperation among the Ache Indians of Paraguay 14. The Ultimatum Game, Fairness, and Cooperation among Big Game Hunters

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