
promoting the success of inclusion programs, including teaching their children to appreciate individual differences. Although children’s knowledge and acceptance of individual differences are influenced by their families, family members may be reluctant to address issues of individual differences with their children. This article presents guidelines that educators can employ to help family members take actions that show their acceptance of individual differences and foster inclusive values in their children. Even though these guidelines are presented in the context of families of young children without disabilities and individual differences related to disability, they can be used by all educators and families to foster an acceptance of all types of individual differences in all children. Michael: Why does Joan have braces on her legs? Michael’s mother: Many people use things to help them do things that are hard for them. Your father wears glasses to help him see and Joan wears braces to help her walk. What are some things that you use to help you do things that are hard for you? Melissa: Why does Billy talk “funny”? Melissa’s father: It’s not funny. You mean you have difficulty understanding Billy. We all have different voices, and people are hard to understand for different reasons. Some people are hard to understand because they need more time to learn to speak, or their mouth muscles are still growing. Remember when you were younger, you used to say “free” when you wanted to say “three.” What are some ways to help you understand Billy? Brenda: James acts “retarded.” Brenda’s grandmother: You just hurt James’s feelings. We don’t talk that way. If James did something you don’t like, tell him what he did that you don’t like. You need to think before you speak or act. What are you going to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again? • What are good ways for family members to respond to these situations? • How might these responses affect children’s understanding of individual differences?

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