
This study aims to get a comprehensive condition of citizen trust to the different village government characteristics in the coastal area of Riau Islands Province. The study of previous research literature systematically placed this research as a system of thinking to be used for improving the practice of promoting citizen trust towards the implementation of village government in a sustainable manner. Through the use of qualitative descriptive research design, researchers emphasize the technicality of primary data collection with key in-depth interviews from the rural community, local businesses and also empower academics which expertise relevantly. Information was collected, managed, and analyzed gradually and systematically to produce a valid and reliable conclusion. The results illustrate that each characteristic village shows a various picture of citizen trust conditions. However, there is a major node of citizen trust vulnerability which includes aspects concerning, the plan for allocating needs and using rural development budgets that are misperceptions both shown by the citizen and the rural government itself. Thus strengthening the social learning process through the support of relevant in-depth inquiry from the sociology disciplines and anthropology concerning rural development will complement the efforts which fostering the sustainable citizens trust towards their rural government.

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