
Summary Angiosperm fossil woods of putative Eocene age from Corcovado, Chubut Province are described. They are placed in four taxonomic units: Weinmannioxylon trichospermoides and cf. Caldcluvioxylon of the Cunoniaceae, Myrceugenellites maytenoides of the Myrtaceae, and Nothofagoxylon ruei of the Nothofagaceae. The taxa in the assemblage are in accordance with similar fossil wood assemblages previously described from the Eocene and Oligocene of Patagonia. All the taxa are anatomically similar to trees that live today in Patagonia. Some of the woods show decay patterns by different saproxylic organisms. These include arthropod borings with coprolites and fungal remains in fungi-decayed tissues that are consistent with an active saproxylic community involved in the recycling of wood in the depositional paleoenvironment.

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