
Distinctive monocolpate and reticulate-acolumellate pollen grains with a coarse, loosely attached reticulum have long been known as a conspicuous element of many palynological assemblages from the Early and mid-Cretaceous. These grains are now described in situ in staminate structures and on the surface of pistillate organs from two Early Cretaceous (Barremian or Aptian) mesofloras from Portugal (Vale de Agua and Buarcos). Staminate organs include a staminate axis with spirally arranged stamens and many isolated stamens. Stamens consist of a short filament, a dithecate, tetrasporangiate anther, and a short apical extension of the connective. Anther dehiscence is extrorse by longitudinal slits and in situ pollen is monocolpate, semi-tectate with a coarse, loosely attached reticulum composed of narrow muri with a spiny ornamentation. The infratectal layer of the pollen wall is thin, granular, and lacking columellae; and the foot layer is distinct. The endexine is thin, except under the aperture where it is thick. The pistillate organs are minute consisting of a simple unilocular ovary containing a single thin-walled seed. Associated with staminate and pistillate structures are many coprolites consisting almost exclusively of pollen grains of this distinctive type. The staminate and pistillate organs are not found in organic connection, and two new genera are established to accommodate the new floral structures: Pennistemon comprising the staminate structures and Pennicarpus comprising the pistillate structures. A new genus, Pennipollis, is also established for the dispersed grains, based on the type species Peromonolites peroreticulatus Brenner, since no appropriate genus has yet been described for these acolumellate grains. Features of the pollen grains strongly indicate affinity with members of the Alismatales and characters of the mesofossils also support this assignment. This is the first record of putative monocots in the early Cretaceous based on combined pollen and floral features.

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