
While the mimetic finite-difference method shares many similarities with the finite-element and finite-volume methods, it has the advantage of naturally accommodating grids with arbitrary polyhedral elements. In this study, we use this attribute to develop an adaptive scheme for the solution of the geophysical electromagnetic modelling problem on unstructured grids. Starting with an initial tetrahedral grid, our mesh adaptivity implements an iterative h-refinement where a residual- and jump-based goal-oriented error estimator is used to mark a certain portion of the elements. The marked elements are decomposed into new tetrahedra by regular subdivision, creating an octree-like unstructured grid. Since arbitrary polyhedra are naturally permitted in the mimetic finite-difference method, the added nodes are not regarded as hanging nodes and hence any level of non-conformity can be implemented without a modification to the mimetic scheme. In this study, we consider 2-irregularity where two levels of non-conformity between the adjacent elements is permitted. We use a total field approach where the electric field is defined at the edges of the polyhedral elements and the electromagnetic source may have an arbitrary shape and location. The accuracy of the mimetic scheme and the effectiveness of the proposed mesh adaptivity are verified using benchmark and realistic examples that represent various magnetotelluric and controlled-source survey scenarios. The mesh adaptivity generates grids with refinement generally concentrated at the transmitter and receiver locations and the interfaces of materials with contrasting conductivities, and the mimetic finite-difference solutions have good agreement with the reference numerical and real data. We also demonstrate the practicality of our method using an example with an analytical solution and comparison with a standard mesh regeneration technique. The results show that our mesh adaptivity procedure can result in a higher accuracy, with similar numbers of elements, when compared with the mesh regeneration approach. Also, using a generic sparse direct solver, our method is found to be more efficient than the mesh regeneration approach in terms of computation time and memory usage. Moreover, a comparison between 1- and 2-irregularity shows the higher efficiency of the latter in terms of the number of elements required to reach a certain level of accuracy.

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