
The ALICE experiment went through major upgrades in preparation for Runs 3 and 4 at the CERN LHC, which foresee a significant increase in the data stream rate. To cope with it, a new Computing System Online–Offline (O2) was developed by ALICE and several detectors were upgraded. One of these upgrades corresponded to the ALICE Diffractive (AD) detector, which was replaced by the new Forward Diffractive Detector (FDD). A fundamental system that allows for recording of data as well as for the stable and safe operation of the experimental setup is the Detector Control System (DCS). The DCS controls, monitors, and configures detectors’ hardware and their subsystems among which are commercial hardware and specific custom equipment. In this work, we describe the implementation of the DCS of FDD, which was designed and developed using the SCADA commercial software WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC-OA®) and the Joint Controls Project (JCOP) Framework. We also describe the modeling of FDD-DCS as a finite state machine to be integrated into the ALICE Central DCS, and to be operated by DCS shifters in the run control center and, remotely, by detector experts. This new DCS was developed to comply with the new LHC operational standards that allow for processing the increased luminosity due to collisions at a higher energy, and for fulfilling the specific requirements of the ALICE experiment, in order to address the scientific challenges of its physics program.

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