
This work evaluate the impact of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) on Ethiopia’s socio-economic goals using the specific variables of trade and investment; industrialisation and Agricultural development, infrastructure development, health care delivery, human resource development and employment generation. It interrogated how the summits, action plans and commitments of FOCAC have impacted these variables in Ethiopia. Anchored on the framework of neo-liberalism, and drawing data from secondary sources, it engaged in qualitative analyses. From the data analysed, it was observed based on all the variables measured that some positive changes have taken place in Ethiopia since the establishment of the Forum. However, like in other countries of Africa, Ethiopia is treated as a junior partner in the relationship, albeit, paternalistically. Consequently, Ethiopia approaches her relationship to China with an inferior to superior attitude. This is notwithstanding the fact that China needs Ethiopia for her national interest goals, especially her need for natural resources, access to East Africa markets and influence wielding in Africa through AU’s seat of power located in the country. It was found out that the socio-economic activities of China have not engendered socio-economic independence of Ethiopia. Based on the findings, the work recommended that Ethiopia should stand up to China as an equal partner for mutuality of benefits as envisaged by FOCAC. To this end, FOCAC desk need to be established in Ethiopia with the prime responsibility of critically evaluating Chinese activities to ensure they comply with approved national and international standards. It is also important that Ethiopia strengthens her institutions to make and enforce rules and regulations that can act as bulwark to national exploitations by China.

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