
Since the normalization of China-U.S. relations in 1979, there have been various disputes and friction between both countries. But their common interests far outweigh their differences and win-win cooperation has been the defining feature of the bilateral relationship. Over the past four decades, both countries have benefited enormously from their stable and healthy interactions, which contribute to peace, stability and prosperity of the world. However, the Trump administration has deliberated major shifts to the U.S.’ China policy, labeling China as a “revisionist power” and “strategic rival” while setting many barriers to trade, economic, technological, educational and cultural exchange and cooperation. Despite the ongoing transformation of the strategic relationship between both countries, China and the United States are unlikely to enter into a “de-coupling” or a new Cold War. Faced by growing strategic uncertainties, it is still possible for both countries to maintain a generally stable relationship based on their vast common interests. For China, it is important to exercise utmost strategic patience and stamina to ease friction and manage competition with the United States while also promoting the positive aspects of their bilateral relations.

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