
Forty-one new species of the mostly neotropical genus Coniceromyia Borgmeier are described. The descriptions follow the methodology of recent works on the genus taxonomy and illustrate habitus, foremetatarsus, wing, hind femur, and hypopygium for each species. Unique features of some species are also illustrated, including several male features possibly related to sexual selection such as processes on different tarsomeres of the foreleg. New records for the known species are presented, as well as an identification key for the species of the genus and maps with their updated distribution. Coniceromyia brandaoi Ament Amorim is synonymized with Coniceromyia plaumanni Borgmeier. Even though this work examined the Coniceromyia of the major collections of neotropical Phoridae, the high number of singletons and doubletons indicates that the real diversity of the genus may still be far from understood.

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