
The present article is primarily concerned with the influence of Francis Jammes on Juan Ramon Jimenez, Miguel de Unamuno and Francisco Perez de Ayala. The traditional approach to influence is studied, however, within the context of the European fin de siecle and the typologies proposed by Dinoiyz Ďurisin. The appearance of parallel developments in the literatures of France and Spain is determined by the coincidence of historical systems in those two countries. The acclaim accorded Francis Jammes in Spain would demonstrate the truth of the theories of polysystems proposed by Itama Even-Zohar: the selection of a literary source is determined by the prestige of a centralised system on the one hand and, on the other, by the impossibility of the interaction of the two systems unless the conditions of the receiving system are favourable. James and Krausism functioned in what Edward Said called affiliated systems. Krausism, a philosophy with which the three Spanish writers were associated, was an ideological movement which was able to develop a parallel and opposing discourse to that of the hegemonic centre in that it proposed an alliance between religion and science, a return to nature, the search for the roots of Spain in its intrahistory, and the pursuit of moral values through aesthetics. In France these ideas, so typical of Modernity, have their origins in the ethics of Protestantism, the cult of Nature and Determinism, all of which find their place in the poetry of Jammes.

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