
Oat-based milk alternatives (OMAs) are an important alternative to bovine milk, with prevalence of lactose intolerance, as well as soy and nut allergies limiting consumers options. However, OMAs are typically lower in protein content than both bovine milk and soy-based alternatives, with protein quality limited by low lysine levels, which can reduce protein digestibility. Addition of alternative plant proteins may increase the quantity of protein, as well as balancing the amino acid profile. However, plant-based proteins have additional sensory qualities and off-flavours, which may lead to undesirable characteristics when introduced to OMAs. This study aimed to assess the effect of pea and potato protein addition on the sensory profile, volatile profile, colour, and particle size in an OMA control product. Results demonstrated that pea protein contributed to a bitter and metallic taste, astringent aftertaste, and a significantly increased overall aroma correlated with higher levels of key volatiles. Whilst potato protein resulted in less flavour changes, it did lead to increased powdery mouthfeel and mouthcoating supported by a substantially increased particle size. Both protein fortifications led to detectable colour changes and a staler flavour. Fortification of OMA product with the pea protein led to significant sensory, volatile and physical changes, whilst the potato protein led to predominantly physical changes. Further investigation into alternative plant-based proteins is necessary to optimise sensory qualities whilst increasing protein content and the amino acid profile.

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