
22–24 September 2002, Oxford, UK BNES 4th International Conference on Health Effects of Low Level Radiation Enquiries to: Ms Sue Frye, Conference Office, Institution of Civil Engineers,One Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA (Fax: 0207 233 1743;E-mail: Sue.Frye@ice.org.uk)2-4 October 2002, Cardiff Bay, Wales, UK 5th International Conference on Chemical Incidents Enquiries to: The National Focus for Chemical Incidents,University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK(Tel: 029 2041 6388; E-mail: nfocus@uwic.ac.uk;Web: www.natfocus.uwic.ac.uk)7–11 October 2002, Leicester, UK Laser Safety Management Course Enquiries to: Dr John O'Hagan,Burleigh Court International Conference Centre, Loughborough, Leicester(Tel: 01235 822673; E-mail: john.ohagan@nrpb.org; Web: www.nrpb.org)8–11 October 2002, Florence, Italy European IRPA Congress 2002. Towards a Harmonisation of RadiationProtection in Europe Enquiries to: Mr Francesco D'Alberti, Congress Secretariat, SSPRP Unit TP510,JRC 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy (Tel: +39 0332 785657; Fax: +39 0332 789413: E-mail: irpa2002@irc.it)23 October 2002, London, UK Internal Dosimetry Enquiries to: SRP Admin Office, PO Box 117, Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0WA, UK (Tel: 01364 644487; Fax: 01364 644492;E-mail: admin@srp-uk.org; Web: www.srp-uk.org)12–14 November 2002, NRPB Training Centre, Chilton, UK Developments in Radiological Protection Enquiries to: The Training Centre (Tel: 01235 822701; Fax: 01235 822601; E-mail: training@nrpb.org)19–20 November 2002, Leicester, UK Laser Safety Course Enquiries to: Dr John O'Hagan,Burleigh Court International Conference Centre, Loughborough, Leicester(Tel: 01235 822673; E-mail: john.ohagan@nrpb.org; Web: www.nrpb.org)16 January 2003, London, UK Accidents and Incidents Enquiries to: SRP Admin Office, PO Box 117, Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0WA, UK (Tel: 01364 644487; Fax: 01364 644492;E-mail: admin@srp-uk.org; Web: www.srp-uk.org)2–4 April 2003, Oxford, UK 40th Anniversary Scientific Meeting—ALARP: Principles andPractice Enquiries to: SRP Admin Office, PO Box 117, Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0WA, UK (Tel: 01364 644487; Fax: 01364 644492;E-mail: admin@srp-uk.org; Web: www.srp-uk.org)18–21 May 2003, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK The C W Mays Conference 2003 (previously referred to as Radium and Thorotrast meeting) Enquiries to: Sudbury House Conference Centre, Faringdon, Oxfordshire(Tel: 01367 245333; Fax: 01367 242346; E-mail: ai@sudburyhouse.co.uk; Web: www.sudburyhouse.co.uk)2–5 June 2003, Utrecht, The Netherlands Radiation Protection Symposium of the North West European RP Societies Enquiries to: Netherlands Society for Radiological Protection (NVS)(E-mail: utrecht2003@nrg-nl.com; www.nvs-straling.nl)6–10 October 2003, Stockholm, Sweden Protection of the Environment from the Effects of Ionizing Radiation Enquiries to: Conference organiser, Ms Hildegard Schmid, InternationalAtomic Energy Agency Conference Service Section, PO Box 100, WagramerStrasse 5, A-400 Vienna, Austria (Tel: +43 1 2600 0; Web: www.iaea.org/worldatom/Meetings/2003/)23–28 May 2004, Madrid, Spain IRPA 11th Congress Website: www.irpa11.comFurther information on conferences can be obtained from:• IRPA website: www.irpa.net • IAEA website: www.iaea.org

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