
Problems in the contemporary era provide challenges for policy makers in the formulation process, the use of Islamic law as a basis for making a policy is a step that must be tried because Islamic law has a firm and binding nature, but in the application of Islamic law in Indonesia with the diversity of its society must be adjusted first. In making a public policy, it must pay attention to several factors regarding what factors are needed to achieve a successful policy. The use of Islamic law in Indonesia has been applied since ancient times, this is influenced by the majority of the Indonesian population who embrace Islam, but in its determination it is only intended for special policies. In using Islamic law as a reference in making a public policy, it must be accompanied by in-depth research on how Islamic law can solve a problem in this contemporary era which has many new problems that arise. Research on the use of Islamic law as the basis for making a public policy must be based on reliable sources The Koran as a guide to human life is the source of the process of making public policy.

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