
The making banana flakes using ripe banana flour had disadvantages on its physical properties, causing the product to be highly hygroscopic. Therefore the formulation needs the addition of other starch to improve the physical properties of banana flakes. The aim of the research was to determine the type and concentration of the fillers to make the best banana flakes. This research conducted using Randomized Block Design (RAB) with two factor which were type of filler (rice flour (A1), corn flour (A2), modified cassava flour (A3)) and concentration of fillers (5g (B1),10g (B2),15g (C)) with three repetition. The responses of the research were physical response and moisture content of the product. Physical responses included hardness test, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI). The best product selecting using de Garmo’s index of effectiveness, then the product was analyzed by the chemical characteristic. The best product of Banana flakes was addition with 15% rice flour as fillers. This product has characteristic 3,24% of ash, 3,19% of crude fiber, 7,35% of protein, 2,14% of fats and 83,45% of carbohydrate.

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