
The aim of the current study was to design oral controlled release gastro-retentive drug delivery of Tinidazole. that are designed to retain in the stomach for a long time and have developed as a Local drug delivery system for better eradication of Helicobacter Pylori in peptic ulcer diseases. Tablets were prepared by direct compression and evaluated for evaluated for various physical parameters, Hardness, friability, drug Content, floating ability, Lag time, Swelling Index studies, and in vitro dissolution parameters as well as kinetics of release were assessed. Factorial design for 2 factors at 3 levels each was employed to systematically optimize drug release profile and Floating Behaviour. Sodium Alginate and Hydroxy Propyl Metheyl Celluiose (HPMC K15M) were taken as the independent variables. Response surface plots and contour plots were drawn.Compressed tablets exhibited zero order drug release kinetics, resulting in regulated and complete release until 12 hours. Polynomial mathematical models, generated for various response variables using multiple linear regression analysis, were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05).Both the polymers had significant effect on the release profiles of the tablets, Besides unraveling the effect of the 2 factors on the various response variables, the study helped in finding the optimum Formulation ‘F4’ with Floating Lag Time (20 sec.) and having controlled release upto 12 hours (99.47%). Meanwhile, sustained profiles of drug release were also obtained. In general, these systems can float in the gastric conditions and control the drug release from the tablets.

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