
Herbal cosmetics are now widely used by the general public due to the concept of low side effects and high safety. The purpose of this study is to use various herbs to formulate herbal oils for general purposes (application to hair). The blended hair oil contains a variety of herbs traditionally used for hair growth, such as hibiscus, shikekai, amla, neem, curry leaves, aloe vera and coconut oil. The evaluation of the produced polyherbal hair oil was performed based on various parameters such as the following. B. Functional phytochemicals, density, pH, viscosity, acid value, saponification value. The prepared formulation is evaluated for the primary skin irritation test of the forearm. It turns out that the above parameters are good and meet the criteria. Therefore, it can be concluded that this oil is beneficial in maintaining good hair growth, darkening white hair, providing protection against dandruff and resulting in shiny hair.

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