
Labetalol HCl competitively blocks adrenergic stimulation of β-receptors within the myocardium (β1-receptors) and within bronchial and vascular smooth muscle (β2-receptors), and α1-receptors within vascular smooth muscle. Mouth dissolving drug delivery systems (MDTs) have acquired an important position in the market by overcoming previously encountered administration problems and contributing to extension of patent life. MDTs have the unique property of rapidly disintegrating and/or dissolving and releasing the drug as soon as they come in contact with saliva, thus obviating the requirement of water during administration. Taste masking was done by using Kyron-T 134 in ratio 1:3. The tablets were prepared by using direct compression method, using different Superdisintegrantsand they were then evaluated for pre and post compression parameters. More than 80% of drug was released from almost all the formulations within 5 min. Results of this study indicate among the superdisintegrants tried, Indion-414 showed the best result in 2% concentration.

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