
The present study now a days many people face the major problem related to hair i.e. hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss physiological conditions, emotional or physical stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal disorders one of the due to hormone deficiency of estrogen. External administration of the estrogen could changes the hormonal cycle and increase cancer risk some natural alternative estrogen therapy can be found in the various plants containing natural products those having weak estrogen activity like Phyto-estrogen. Herbal drug has less side effects and more effective as comparative to synthetic drug. Phytoestrogen are competing with the estrogen by the binding to the estrogen receptor and produce estrogen effect, Phytoestrogen in the fenugreek seed. Family – Fabaceae Ethanolic extract of (Trigonella foenum-graecum) fenugreek seed prepared for the topical formulation of herbal hair gel formulation by using Carbopol 934 gelling agent, glycerin, pvp, methyl paraben, PEG, Triethanolamine Fenugreek was evaluated for its potency on hair growth activity by in vivo method. In vivo, study 2.5mg of fenugreek extract is used. That is applied on the shaved skin of mice to determine the length of hair and the different cyclic phase of hair follicles like anagen and s phases were will be grow after some time periods. From the study topical use of gel formulation were apply for 30 days .There are use of fenugreek extract containing gel formulation over the shaved skin of mice that shows the significant result by increase the hair growth. The prepared gel was characterized for their physicochemical constants, preliminary phyto-chemical analysis, quantitative analysis, Spread-ability, pH, viscosity, and stability study.

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