
Natural remedies have lesser side effects, secure and also aceeptable than chemical ones. In the world market, formulations with natural ingredients have more accesible. For delivering the drug imediately to the site of action, which gives prolonged action is the benefits of topical drug delivery system. Skin is the main path of delivery of drug in TDDS. The ingredients are easily available which are being used. They are not only easily available but also has nutritional value from topical point of view and more economical. To formulate and evaluate the formulation is the motive of this project. It is natural and safe herbal preparation which gives calming, soothing and astringent effect on the face. The natural ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber also the pippermint, lemmongrass and rose water used in the formulation. It having ability to reduce the facial irritation as well as to enhance beauty. We can use it in our daily busy schedule. Face toner is estimated for its physicochemical properties, surface tension, pH and stability. Most popular advantages of herbal cosmetics are, they are non toxic in nature and they having tendancy to reduce allergic reactions. The main reason behind this study, we found good properties of the face toner.

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