
Liquid soap is an important cosmetic product for the community because it is used in everyday life. Liquid soap is made through a saponification reaction from oil or fat which is reacted with alkalis. Betel nut (Areca catechu L.) contains flavonoid compounds that have antiseptic properties and alkaloid compounds that act as bacteria inhibitors. Objective: This study aims to formulate liquid soap with the addition of Areca catechu L. extract to test the antimicrobial activity of formulated soap preparations. Method: The research design was in the form of an experimental method, namely by extracting the simplicia Areca catechu L. with the maceration method to obtain a thick extract of Areca catechu L. Evaluation of the quality of the soap included pH and high foam. Antimicrobial activity testing used the good method against liquid soap formulation and positive control. The microbe tested was Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive bacteria). Result: The test results of the quality of the liquid soap formulation showed that the pH of the test soap was 10 and the positive control pH was 9 and the foam height had good results, namely 1-2cm, and had met SNI 06-4085-1996 standards. The results showed that formulation III with an extract content of 10% had great antimicrobial activity on the microbe Staphylococcus aureus with a value of 20.66mm. In the positive control, the antimicrobial activity showed a value of 15.21mm. at a concentration of 5%, the inhibition diameter was 14.77mm and the concentration was 7.5%, the inhibition diameter was 15.77mm. The results of statistical analysis using the One-Way ANOVA method followed by Post hoc analysis showed that the liquid soap extract of Areca catechu L. had greater antimicrobial potential than the positive control. Conclusion: Liquid soap formulation with the addition of thick extract Areca catechu L with a concentration of 10% has the greatest antimicrobial activity compared to the concentration of 5%, 7.5%, and positive control X.

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