
With exponential growth in social media sites and high penetration of Internet access and digital computing devices, there are humongous amounts of public data being generated on a day-to-day basis. Almost real-time information regarding the emerging trends can be gained through efficient techniques/algorithms to examine this enormous amount of data, which also gives hint about early warning if there is an imminent emergency case. Also, numerous helpful indicators regarding political and socioeconomic events can be seen through by carefully mining these data, which also aid in establishing efficient public policies. However, web services and data security—protection of systems and key data to avoid unauthorised tampering—is considered to be a non-trivial real-time issue. Moreover, security issue has always been a grave issue since there is frequent conflict of service availability with the security constraints should there be a change in the service media channels. The paper’s primary focus is on new mathematical models that help in simplifying and enhancing protection for multimedia big content against unauthorised tampering by examining elements of multimedia objects. Furthermore, a multimedia big data security framework is presented in this paper. This framework, built on the basis of the proposed models, will be employed to confirm the on-fly multimedia content for a requested service/page. It is believed that such type of a framework provides a higher level of service survivability as well as user confidence.

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