
Guava leaves contain quercetin which can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acne. Thus, guava leaves have the potential to be anti-acne. Based on the benefits of guava leaves, it is necessary to formulate the ethanol extract of guava leaves in cream preparation and its characterization as well as to know the rate of releasing active substances. Preparation and standardization of guava leaf simplicia was carried out. After that, maceration, standardization and phytochemical screening of guava leaf ethanol extract were done. Positive extracts containing flavonoids were formulated into cream preparation. The concentration of stearic acid as emulgator of 14% and 18% was optimized. The formula was tested for physical and chemical properties such as organoleptic, spreadability, adhesion, viscosity and pH. The optimum formula was characterized using Franz diffusion test to determine the release of the active substance. The results showed that concentration of stearic acid as emulgator influenced the physical and chemical properties of the cream. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded that the optimum formula was stearic acid concentration of 14% with the release active substances for 3 hours of 2,5882 mg.
 Keywords: Guava leaves, acne, cream, stearic acid, diffusion


  • Guava leaves contain quercetin which can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acne

  • The results showed that concentration of stearic acid as emulgator influenced the physical and chemical properties of the cream

  • Jakarta: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia

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Susut pengeringan

Pengukuran parameter susut pengeringan dilakukan untuk mengetahui persentase senyawa yang menghilang selama proses pemanasan. Uji ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar air simplisia. Simplisia belum memenuhi bobot konstan karena selisih persentase susut pengeringan lebih dari 0,25% dengan persentase susut pengeringan 0,85%. Kadar sari larut air dan etanol pada standarisasi simplisia dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar sari yang terlarut di dalam pelarut air dan etanol dimana pada simplisia daun jambu biji yaitu 18% dan 30,25%. Kadar sari larut air belum memenuhi syarat, yaitu masih kurang dari 18,2%. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi yang mana 500 gram daun jambu biji ditambahkan dengan pelarut etanol 96% (1:3 b/v) pada suhu ruang selama 72 jam. Remaserasi dilakukan sebanyak 1 kali selama 72 jam.Maserat dipisahkan dengan pelarutnya melalui penguapan dengan rotary vacuum evaporator sehingga menghasilkan ekstrak kental. Rendemen ekstrak kental yang diperoleh oleh peneliti yaitu 12,65%

Kadar air 2 Kadar abu total
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