
The ultraviolet radiation and skin water loss could damage the skin. Kemuning leaves (Murraya paniculata (L) Jack) as a source of anti-oxidants and Aloe vera leaves (Aloe vera Linn) can prevent this action. This study aims to formulate and evaluate lotion containing the Kemuning leaves and Aloe vera extract. The extract of Kemuning leaves was obtained by sonication using 70% ethanol solvent. Aloe vera juice was obtained by smoothing the aloe vera gel then filtered using clean gauze. The kemuning leaves extract and aloe vera extract had formulated into lotion preparation. The physical properties of the lotion (homogeneity, type of emulsion, pH, spreadability, and adhesion) were determined. The organoleptic test showed that the color of the lotion was pale yellow with a smooth texture and had extract scent. The lotion was showed good homogeneity, spreadability 7.31 cm, pH 7, type oil in water and adhesion 45 seconds. The physical properties parameters of lotion preparations showed that the lotion preparations had fulfilled the requirements of good preparations.


  • Kulit memegang peranan penting untuk melindungi tubuh kita

  • This study aims to formulate and evaluate lotion containing the Kemuning leaves and Aloe vera extract

  • Oxidative Stress , Skin Aging and Antioxidant Therapy, 31(4), 207–217

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Metode Alat dan Bahan

Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni : timbangan analitik, sonikator, kertas saring, penangas air, kertas pH, kaca beserta beban 50g: 100r: 200g, kaca obyek beserta beban 1 kg, alat uji daya lekat, alat-alat gelas dan blender. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni : daun kemuning (Murraya paniculata (L) Jack, lidah buaya (Aloe vera Linn), etanol 70%, asam stearat, trietanolamin, setil alkohol, parafin cair, gliserin, metil paraben, propil paraben, aqua rosae, aquadest dan metilen biru. Daun kemuning yang telah bersih kemudian dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari dengan menggunakan kain hitam sebagai tutup. Ekstrak cair yang diperoleh kemudian dipekatkan di atas penangas air pada suhu 550C hingga diperoleh ekstrak kental. Kemudian sebanyak 50 gr daging lidah buaya segar dihaluskan menggunakan blender. Pembuatan Sediaan Lotion Lotion ekstrak daun kemuning dan sari lidah buaya dibuat dengan cara melebur secara terpisah fase minyak (asam stearat, setil alkohol, parafin cair dan propil paraben) dan fase air (gliserin, metil paraben, TEA dan aqua destilata). Ekstrak daun kemuning dan sari lidah buaya ditambahkan ke dalam basis lotion kemudian diaduk hingga homogen.

Evaluasi Sediaan Uji organoleptis
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