
Large N duality conjecture between U ( N ) Chern–Simons gauge theory on S 3 and A-model topological string theory on the resolved conifold was verified at the level of partition function and Wilson loop observables. As a consequence, the conjectured form for the expectation value of the topological operators in A-model string theory led to a reformulation of link invariants in U ( N ) Chern–Simons theory giving new polynomial invariants whose integer coefficients could be given a topological meaning. We show that the A-model topological operator involving SO ( N ) holonomy leads to a reformulation of link invariants in SO ( N ) Chern–Simons theory. Surprisingly, the SO ( N ) reformulated invariants also has a similar form with integer coefficients. The topological meaning of the integer coefficients needs to be explored from the duality conjecture relating SO ( N ) Chern–Simons theory to A-model closed string theory on orientifold of the resolved conifold background.

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