
Compilers pose significant challenges in their development as software products. Language developers face the complexities of ensuring efficiency, adhering to good design practices, and maintaining the overall codebase. These factors make it difficult to predict the unexpected impact of updates on existing software built on the current compiler stack. Furthermore, software created for a specific compiler often lacks reusability for other compiler environments. In this study, we propose a comprehensive framework for the uniform development of compilers that addresses these issues. Our approach involves developing compilers as a collection of small transpilation units, referred to as deltas. The transpilation infrastructure takes source code written in a particular source language and searches for a path of deltas to generate equivalent source code in the target language. By adopting this methodology, language developers can easily update their languages by introducing new deltas into the system. Existing code remains unaffected as old transpilation paths remain available. To support this framework, we have devised a metric space for efficient delta search. This metric space enables us to define a non-overestimating heuristic function, which proves valuable in solving the search problem. Leveraging the A* search algorithm, we can efficiently transpile programs from a source language to the target language. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted a benchmark comparison between the A* search algorithm and the simpler breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm. The benchmark consisted of over 100 transpilation searches, providing valuable insights into the performance and capabilities of this framework.

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