
The work investigates the Georgian political emigration and the so-called Soviet dissidents’ communication possibilities and ways of implementation in the media. Specifically, we were interested in the pluralistic immigrant press  (“Chveni drosha”, “Iveria”, “Tavisuflebis tribuna”, “Gushagi”) operating in contrasting media fields and so-calles illegally printed in the one party ideological media  (“Oqros satsmisi”, “Saqartvelos moambe”, 1975-1976) invironment in Soviet georgia. With the forms of mutual cooperation of self-publishers and their contribution to the breakdown of the Soviet System. We have studied extensive empirical material, relevant sources, newspaper publications, scientific articles and using the historical-comparative and content analysis method of research, we have putlined conspiratorial connections, mutual influence and political ties of dissident and immigrant media in the context of the historical-political reality of the marked period, as well as jounnalistic discourse and Pecularities of value visions. The research showed that even in the 70s and 80s of the XXth century, the historical goal – the restoration of Georgia’s complete independence and the main principle –“no coopereration with the Soviet authorities” remained unchanged for Georgian political immigrants. In achieving the goal, they saw dissidents as their main allies and associates, and, on the contrary, dissidents who tries to attract the attention of the political circles and media of the democratic countries of the world, in this regard they also hoped for the support of immigrants, who managed to expose the communist regime not only through diplomatic methods, but also through journalism. The Georgian emigrant and dissident press, which was saturated with anti-Soviet narrative, turned out to be a joint opposition platdorm that contributed to the objective information of the society and the breakdown of the Soviet system.

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