
The article contains a description and an analysis of the forms and details of economic resources of agriculture, determined the specificity of the strategy of resources provision in terms of development and operation. As the authors study the terms of technical reequipment and modernization of the agricultural technology, we could tell that the production of major agricultural products, which require a high level of intensification of production should be concentrated in relatively large formations of different legal forms: societies and associations of various types, co-operatives. However, the role of households as forms of self-employment is still very important and needs to be the subject of state support, since concentration and specialization in agriculture will lead to the unification of crops and lack of variety of food products for market. As it could be seen from figure presented in the article, all labor-intensive products are produced in the households, with the small exception of milk production, due to its unprofitability. As we studied forms and specifics of resource provision of economic subjects in agrarian sphere, we could make the conclusion, that issues of ownership heavily distorted the resource provision of agricultural enterprises, making them hosts for household active economic activity, which make no good for future of agriculture sector in a whole and to the resource saving in particular. Such symbiosis has helped for the rural people to survive, but in the long perspective put off Ukrainian agriculture development. Summarizing all said before, we can say that the strategies of specialization and concentration are not always sufficient tool for the development of agriculture in rural areas, because it does not fully take into account the range of production, especially with the high cost of labor.

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