
Teaching fiction is closely related to science because any sphere of science involves theoretical and applied practical meaning. While forming a fiction-reading student by teaching literature we should take into account both theoretical and applied systems of the literature and pay attention to its artistic nature. When the meaning of the word, a concept, or an idea influence the student, he/she starts to think deeply and attentively. Moreover, reading fiction affects consciousness differently. On one hand, it may encourage an individual to act, on the other hand, it may invoke his interest in the subject (literature) and encourage him/her to read fiction. Teaching is a bilateral process, hence, its quality is directly related to the attitudes of the student and the level of cognitive activity and didactic improvement of the teacher’s work. Improving critical thinking improves students’ cognitive activity. The literature of any nation develops in a close relationship with its history. Any scientific sphere is also closely related to history. There is no life beyond history as well as literature. Therefore, teaching fiction is an extremely effective way of forming historical consciousness. The public opinion in Kazakhstan is formed through the history and literature of the Kazakh nation.

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