
The article is devoted to the formation of civic participation and culture of interethnic interaction of students. The urgency of forming of civic participation and culture of interethnic interaction is conditioned by the demands of a modern multi-ethnic society. Thanks to the increasing mobility, the society of many countries is becoming multinational. Civic participation and the culture of interethnic interaction becomes an important factor in all spheres of public life. The list of materials and methods used during the pedagogical experiment on the formation of civic participation and culture of interethnic interaction is described. The logic of organizing a pedagogical experiment of students included 4 stages: preparatory, ascertaining, formulating and controlling. A definition of the concept of "civic participation and culture of students’ interethnic interaction" was developed. The diagnostic toolkit of the experiment was selected in accordance with the criteria for of civic participation and culture of interethnic interaction of students. Experimental work has revealed that the students' readiness for productive civic participation and interethnic interaction directly depends on their level of interethnic interaction culture. The most effective means of forming culture of interethnic interaction between students is their active involvement in a multiethnic environment, as well as civic participation in local self-government on issues of interethnic politics.

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