
The results of a radiological survey of the E. I. Du Pont Company, Deepwater, New Jersey, are presented in this report. During the 1940's this site was used for development of a process for the conversion of uranium oxide to produce uranium tetrafluoride and small quantities of uranium metal. The survey included measurements of the following: residual alpha and beta--gamma contamination levels, both fixed and transferable, in the one remaining uranium tetrafluoride operations building; external gamma radiation levels at 1 m above the surface inside this building and at outdoor locations where radioactive materials were handled; radon and radon daughter concentrations in the air in the operations building; uranium, radium, actinium, and thorium concentrations in soil and water on and near the site; and the airborne concentrations of uranium, thorium, and radium in the operations building. Elevated concentrations of uranium were found in residues from the operations building and in some surface and subsurface soil samples. Alpha and beta--gamma contamination levels in some areas of the operations building were above the limits of current federal guidelines set for the release of property for unrestricted use. 18 figures, 11 tables.

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