
The article considers a new direction of formation of pedagogical culture on the basis of professional identity of future primary school teachers and in their interrelation. The basic concepts for them are common terms: training, professiogram, professionalism, identity, pedagogical technologies, pedagogical conditions. By pedagogical culture we understand the integrative quality of the teacher, the condition and prerequisite for effective pedagogical activity. By professional identity we understand a set of emotional-behavioral and cognitive manifestations of personality in the process of professional development and ideas about their own professional capabilities, abilities, the dependency of environmental requirements on reality. The study of methodological and scientific-pedagogical approaches revealed the commonality of the formation of pedagogical culture and professional identity: epistemological, complex, personal, activity, systemic, acmeological, axiological, synergetic, integrative, praxeological and culturological. The common principles of these processes are revealed: scientificity, accessibility, objectivity, concreteness, historicism, differentiation and individualization, connection of theory with practice. The mechanism of formation of professional identity has distinctive features against pedagogical culture and occurs according to the scheme: identification − identity − self-identity - professional identity. The basis is identity (it characterizes the pedagogical culture), in which there are three types: psychophysiological (unity of physiological and mental processes of the body); social (system of properties of a social individual, group); personal (Ego-identity), which is the unity of life, goals, motives, life values, the meaning of the guidelines of the individual.


  • The article considers a new direction of formation of pedagogical culture

  • By pedagogical culture we understand the integrative quality of the teacher

  • scientific-pedagogical approaches revealed the commonality of the formation of pedagogical culture

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СФОРМОВАНА ПРОФЕСІЙНА ІДЕНТИЧНІСТЬ − ЗАПОРУКА ВИСОКОГО РІВНЯ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ ПОЧАТКОВОЇ ШКОЛИ У статті актуалізовано проблему взаємозв’язку формування педагогічної культури і професійної ідентичності майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Здійснено обґрунтування ролі професійної ідентичності у формуванні педагогічної культури майбутніх учителів початкової школи.

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