
The author presents the result of the research on formats of interaction with students in the situation of self-isolation as well as the relevant content of teacher’s support and pedagogical support provided by a higher school teacher. It is shown that the situation in education caused by the pandemic in the spring of 2020 has led to the necessary revision of the traditional forms of pedagogical activity such as lectures and seminars. The traditional forms and methods of interaction with students have become almost impossible to use. The article provides a detailed description of the transfer of educational process in higher school to the remote work format. It also describes the author’s pedagogical findings and gives specific examples of tasks for students. The study has proved that the transfer of learning process to the remote work format is efficacious when realized in accordance with the following stages of teacher’s support and pedagogical support of students: creating a sensation of stability of existence in the educational process; forming positive emotional background in the classroom; actualizing the evolutionary processes of transition to the adoption of digital education; minimizing the risks caused by a lack of direct contact with students; forming an ability to obtain profit from the situation to self-determination and self-development. The author presents the content of each stage and shows how these stages are pedagogically provided due to the primary trial to transfer traditional types of classes to a digital educational system, due to the formation of new formats of interaction between teachers and students and living through it as well as in the process and as a result of the search for pedagogical opportunities to organize the procedure of midterm and end-of-course assessment as a situation of personal and professional self-determination in the problem. It is proved that a combination of live broadcast on Zoom with the following submission of completed tasks for teacher’s review in the system Ipsilon Uni has turned out to be the best possible format of classes for students.

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