
Assessment should help the student in the development of his educational independence, the ability to learn. Formative assessment is fully consistent with modern educational values and objectives. It has been proven that formative assessment improves the quality of education. However, many teachers do not use methods that help students learn. What is it about formative assessment that is daunting or difficult for teachers? What are the strategies for building the related competence of teachers? The purpose of the study is to propose a strategy for preparing student teachers for their use of formative assessment procedures in the classroom. Research hypothesis: this strategy is to introduce formative assessment into the process of professional education of student teachers. The study is aimed at identifying the connection between formative assessment and research-reflective independence of students, as well as the development of techniques for formative assessment. Methods used: constructive-genetic, modeling, analysis of the experience of university teachers in the use of formative assessment, an experiment in Moscow pedagogical universities. Diagnostic techniques: questioning, analysis of technological maps of lessons. Indicators and scales of competence levels have been developed, including knowledge, performance, and creativity. Experimental teaching has shown a positive dynamic in the formative assessment competence of future teachers. The teacher applies formative assessment in the classroom if he is convinced of its effectiveness. The strategy for preparing student teachers for the use of formative assessment in the classroom is to involve them in the procedures of formative assessment in the process of professional education.

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