
Reaction of the disulfide [HpicanS](2) (HpicanS is the carboxamide based on picolinate (pic) and o-mercaptoaniline (anS); the [] brackets are used to denote disulfides) with [VOCl(2)(thf)(2)] leads to reductive scission of the disulfide bond and formation of the mixed-valence (V(IV)/V(V)) complex anion [(OVpicanS)(2)mu-O](-) (1), with the dianionic ligand coordinating through the pyridine-N atom, the deprotonated amide-N atom, and thiophenolate-S atom. Reductive cleavage of the SbondS bond is also observed as [VCl(2)(tmeda)(2)] (tmeda=tetramethylethylenediamine) is treated with the disulfides [HsalanS](2) or [HvananS](2) (HsalanS and HvananS are the Schiff bases formed between o-mercaptoaniline and salicylaldehyde (Hsal) or vanillin (Hvan), respectively), yielding the V(III) complexes [VCl(tmeda)(salanS)] (2 a), or [VCl(tmeda)(vananS)] (2 b). The disulfide bond remains intact in the aerial reaction between [HsalanS](2) and [VCl(3)(thf)(3)] to yield the V(V) complex [VOCl[salanS](2)] (3), where (salanS)(2-) coordinates through the two phenolate and one of the imine functions. The S-S bond is also preserved as [VO(van)(2)] or [VO(nap)(2)] (Hnap=2-hydroxynaphthalene-1-carbaldehyde) is treated with bis(2-aminophenyl)disulfide, [anS](2), a reaction which is accompanied by condensation of the aldehyde and the diamine, and complexation of the resulting bis(Schiff bases) [HvananS](2) or [HnapanS](2) to form the complexes [VO[vananS](2)] (4 a) or [VO[napanS](2)] (4 b). In 4 a and 4 b, the phenolate and imine functions, and presumably also one of the disulfide-S atoms, coordinate to V(IV). 2-Mercaptophenyl-2'-pyridinecarboxamide (H(2)picanS) retains its identity in the presence of V(III); reaction between [VCl(3)(thf)(3)] and H(2)picanS yields [V[picanS](2)](-) (5). The dithiophenolate 2,6-bis(mercaptophenylthio)dimethylpyridine (6 a) is oxidized, mediated by VO(2+), to the bis(disulfide) octathiadiaza-cyclo-hexaeicosane 6 b. The relevance of these reactions for the speciation of vanadium under physiological conditions is addressed. [HNEt(3)]-1.0.5 NEt(3,) 3.3 CH(2)Cl(2), [HsalanS](2), [HNEt(3)]-5, and 6 b.4 THF have been characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis.

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