
The article formulates the research problem as determining the speed of drops spreading on the surface of oil products by the direct measurements, for example, changes in the diameter of the drops in time. Experimentally studied the process of spreading droplets on the oil surface. The technology of quenching oil supply directed jets of water sprayed was has been proposed. It is shown that the nature of the mutual wetting aqueous solution and the hydrocarbon concentration varies with the blowing agent in aqueous solution. There are experiments for various hydrocarbons is used to identify the dependence of the spreading speed from the spreading coefficient. The solutions for which the value of the spreading coefficient is negative, and the surface tension is lower than heptane has, form a heptane droplets on the surface that have a shape close to spherical and float on the surface of the hydrocarbon. There is a dependence of the speed of drops spreading from the spreading coefficient. It was presented the theoretical values of speed of drops spreading that calculated by the formula and the experimental results. It’s shown satisfactory correlation of calculated and experimental data. It is established that solutions with a positive value of spreading coefficient is able to spread over the surface of the hydrocarbon and the rate of their spreading is directly proportional to the spreading coefficient.

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