
Maillard reaction (MR) plays a pivotal role in the food flavor industry, including a cascade of reactions starting with the reaction between amino compounds and reducing sugars, and thus provides various colors and flavors. A new group of volatile compounds called pyrazinones found in MR are now getting more attention. In this study, eight volatile pyrazinones were found in the asparagine MR systems, in which 3,5-dimethyl- and 3,6-dimethyl-2(1H)-pyrazinones were reported for the first time. The major formation pathways were the reactions between asparagine and α-dicarbonyls, with decarboxylation as a critical step. Besides, novel alternative pathways involving alanine amidation and successive reactions with α-dicarbonyls were explored and successfully formed eight pyrazinones. The major differences between alanine-amidated pathways and decarboxylation pathways are the amidation step and absence of the decarboxylation step. For the alanine-amidated pathways, the higher the temperature, the better the amidation effect. The optimal amidation temperature was 200 °C in this study. The reaction between the alanine amide and α-dicarbonyls after amidation can happen at low temperatures, such as 35 and 50 °C, proposing the possibility of pyrazinone formation in real food systems. Further investigations should be conducted to investigate volatile pyrazinones in various food systems as well as the biological effects and kinetic formation differences of the volatile pyrazinones.

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