
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the formation of values of preschool age children in Singapore and Ukraine. The authors note that, in line with social challenges in the world, Singapore has focused on the features of successful reform of the education system in general and the preschool sector in particular. The reasons of expediency of carrying out analytical comparative research in the field of reforming of preschool education of Singapore and Ukraine are covered. An analytical review of the content of reforming Singapore's educational system in the context of studying the issue of value orientations in preschool children of Ukraine and Singapore has been made by foreign and Ukrainian scholars. And also some aspects of educational changes that have taken place in Singapore at all educational levels, and in Ukraine only in secondary education institutions. The qualitative changes necessary for the formation of a holistic value approach to the organization of the educational process in the preschool education institutions of Ukraine are highlighted: the implementation of learning through play aimed at developing not only the intellectual but also the emotional sphere and laying the foundations for the formation of key skills of the 21st century through free play and teachers' democratic approach to personality formation. The problems of reforming Singapore's preschool education and the peculiarities of public policy in addressing them are revealed. The approach of preschool education of both countries to the free play of children with the purpose of forming social competences and values of communication is analyzed. The advantages of Ukrainian preschool education in social education of preschool children are identified and changes that need to be consolidated at the legislative level are necessary for the development of key values of children. The main ones are: the creation and implementation of national programs for preschool institutions and teacher training courses / institutes. The requirements for the formation of motivation of preschool teachers and training of pedagogical workers in Ukraine, capable to provide the process of development of critical and creative thinking of preschool children on the basis of the principle of lifelong learning and upbringing through the play of personality with holistic value orientation, are distinguished.


  • The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the formation of values of preschool age children in Singapore and Ukraine

  • The advantages of Ukrainian preschool education in social education of preschool children are identified and changes that need to be consolidated at the legislative level are necessary for the development of key values of children

  • The requirements for the formation of motivation of preschool teachers and training of pedagogical workers in Ukraine, capable to provide the process of development of critical and creative thinking of preschool children on the basis of the principle of lifelong learning and upbringing through the play of personality with holistic value orientation, are distinguished

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