
It is believed that unreduced gametes with somatic chromosome numbers play a predominant role in natural polyploidization. Allohexaploid bread wheat originated from spontaneous hybridization of Triticum turgidum L. with Aegilops tauschii Coss. Unreduced gametes originating via meiotic restitution, including first-division restitution (FDR) and single-division meiosis (SDM), are well documented in triploid F(1) hybrids of T. turgidum with diploid Ae. tauschii (genomic constitution ABD, usually with 21 univalents in meiotic metaphase I). In this study, two T. turgidum lines known to carry genes for meiotic restitution were crossed to tetraploid Ae. tauschii. The resulting F(1) hybrids (genomes ABDD), had seven pairs of homologous chromosomes and regularly formed 14 univalents and seven bivalents at metaphase I. Neither FDR nor SDM were observed. The distribution of chromosome numbers among progeny obtained by self pollination and a backcross to T. turgidum showed the absence of unreduced gametes. These results suggest that high homologous pairing interfered with meiotic restitution and the formation of unreduced gametes. This may be related to asynchronous movement during meiosis between paired and unpaired chromosomes or to uneven distribution of chromosomes in anaphases, resulting in nonviable gametes.

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