Semiconductor pn junctions, integrated in optoelectronic devices require high quality crystals, made by expensive, technically difficult processes. Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structures offer practical alternatives to circumvent the cost, flexibility and scale-up challenges of crystalline planar pn junctions. Fabrication methods for the current organic or inorganic BHJ structures invariably create interface mismatch and low doping issues. To overcome such issues, we devised an innovative approach, founded on novel inorganic material system that ensued from single-step electrodeposited copper-indium-selenide compounds. Surface analytical microscopies and spectroscopies reveal unusual phenomena, electro-optical properties and quantum effects. They support the formation of highly-ordered, sharp, abrupt 3-dimensional nanoscale pn BHJs that facilitate efficient charge carrier separation and transport, and essentially perform the same functions as crystalline planar pn junctions. This approach offers a low-cost processing platform to create nanocrystalline films, with the attributes necessary for efficient BHJ operation. It allows roll-to-roll processing of flexible devices in simple thin-film form factor.
Semiconductor pn junctions constitute an integral part of most optoelectronic devices, including photovoltaic (PV) solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs)
Grain sizes can be controlled in the 4–35 nm range with rapid thermal processing (RTP) at relatively low temperatures, Fig. 1d
The Mott-Schottky plots of bias (V) vs. capacitance (C) and 1/C2 were obtained with electrolyte impedance spectroscopy, Fig. 2a
Semiconductor pn junctions constitute an integral part of most optoelectronic devices, including photovoltaic (PV) solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Current fabrication methods for organic, inorganic or hybrid BHJ structures use two-step process: (i) separate synthesis two types of materials followed by (ii) physical mixing, layering or dispersing nanocrystals in an organic matrix[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Such processing invariably leads to incompatible intra-device interfaces, mismatched shapes and orientations; voids and insulation due to the ligands[1,2]. This paper highlights some salient features of SSE-made CISe films as revealed by a combination of surface analytical microscopies and spectral characterization tools
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