
The article reveals the nature of the transformations in the law enforcement system, in particular in water police, in Soviet Russia. On the basis of a wide range of previously unused archival sources, the process of organizational formation of the water police on the Volga in 1918–1921 is presented. The main feature of this process was constant reforming of this security system in order to find the optimal organization to protect waterways and river transport. The first Soviet head of the river police of Nizhny Novgorod P.I. Protasov took up his post in January 1918. In 1919, protection of waterways and public order on them was carried out by the internal security troops of Nizhny Novgorod sector by separate rifle brigades of the Paramilitary Guard Troops (VOKhR) of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the RSFSR. At the beginning of 1920, for the first time in our country, the system of All-Russian police on transport was formed. According to this reform, Nizhny Novgorod became part of Nizhny Novgorod section of the river police, which was part of Nizhny Novgorod District Administration of the Volga region. Distribution of protection areas on river transport was fixed in the document dated May 18, 1920. In accordance with it, security on the navigable waterways was assigned to VOKhR troops, to the water police and watchmen. The new status of the water militia and the expansion of its tasks were determined by the «Regulations on the Workers’ and Peasants ‘Militia», adopted on June 10, 1920. The next reorganization of the security system on the river transport of the Soviet Republic was carried out in November-December 1920. It was aimed at strengthening centralization and unity of command in this matter, elimination of disparate actions in the activities carried out by security structures. The article highlights the issue of personnel selection for the water police, taking into account the «class approach» in the formation of new authorities, including the police. Previously unknown facts about the personal composition of the water police leaders are given, and the further fate of some of them is traced. The article gives a fairly complete idea of the first years in the formation and activity of the water police in Nizhny Novgorod and the Volga basin.

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