
The object of research is fine-grained concrete on slag portland cement. Owing to the significant content of metallurgical industry waste in its composition, slag portland cement belongs to ecologically acceptable products. However, the insufficient rate of formation of its structure and, as a result, the main quality indicator, which is compressive strength, limits the field of use of slag portland cement. Therefore, in the studies, the goal was to increase the speed of formation of the strength of fine-grained concrete made on slag portland cement. The studies of the influence of modification of slag portland cement with water, activated by the use of the hydrophobic hydration mechanism, established the factors affecting the speed of formation and the value of compressive strength of fine-grained concrete made on slag portland cement. It has been proven that these factors include the type and amount of applied water nanomodifiers, as well as the type and amount of fine concrete aggregate. The analysis of the study results confirmed that the introduction of water activated by the mechanism of hydrophobic hydration into concrete in ultra-small doses significantly increases the rate of formation of concrete strength. Given this, the strength of the resulting modified fine-grained concrete based on slag portland cement at the age of 2 days exceeds the strength of the similar concrete without additives by 60 %, and at the age of 210 days – by 25 %. This allows us to assert the effectiveness of the identified mechanism of modification of slag portland cement. Thus, there are reasons to assert the possibility of targeted regulation of the processes of forming a strong structure of fine-grained concrete based on slag portland cement by using water activated by the mechanism of hydrophobic hydration

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