
In the conditions of the European integration of Ukraine, compliance with the gender strategy of the educational institution is important, especially from the school level, as an indicator of the democratization of society. It resonates with the problem of forming a socially successful personality of high school students, since success is the main characteristic of any activity and the result of a person’s integration into the socio-cultural environment.The tasks of the mentioned work are the generalization of experimental research data, the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, advanced pedagogical experience regarding the gender features of the formation of a socially successful personality of education seekers; the results of the application of appropriate methods, forms, methods of educational interaction. In the research process, theoretical (analysis, comparison and generalization) and empirical methods (questionnaire, blitz survey, method of incomplete sentences, observation, projective technique) were applied.The work provides a comparative analysis of the attitude of high school students, parents (persons who replace them), teachers to the concepts of «gender», «social success»; it was found that more than a third of those seeking education have a high need to achieve success (and 16 % of them are girls); for 13% of girls and 17 % of boys, this need is increased; reduced and low need is characteristic of only 13% of high school students; the motivational field of success and fear of failure among school graduates is determined, which is in the «pole of inexpressiveness», and the hope for success among boys (19 %) prevails over the orientation towards achieving success among girls (10 %); the existence of different levels of development of the formation of skills of a socially successful personality has been experimentally proven. So communication skills, optimism and generosity in girls at medium and high levels, as well as assertiveness and self-education skills in boys (respectively, from 37 to 55 points); girls have more inherent (high level) cooperation skills, unlike boys – their level of development is medium and low (up to 37 points)

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