
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the variability of genetic characteristics in samples from the largest stocks of the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 in the Northeast Atlantic (NEA) and the Northwest Atlantic (NWA) waters. The results of a pairwise estimation of the genetic differentiation, performed using allozyme and microsatellite markers, detected a significant difference between the cod sample from the New England Shelf (NWA) and the cod of the Icelandic–Greenlandic and Norwegian–Barents Sea stocks. At the same time, cod samples from areas of East and West Greenland and samples from the Barents Sea, despite considerable geographic differences, demonstrated a high level of identity according to molecular genetic markers. The peculiarities of the formation of the cod population structure in the Quaternary period are considered in connection with the dynamics of global climatic and oceanological processes.

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