
The subject of this research is the definition of the legal culture as an object of scientific analysis. The concept of the legal culture of the future specialists is disclosed on the axis of analysis and generalization of the provisions of philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology and law. Determined that the legal culture of the future specialists is characterized by the ability to carry out professional activities in the selected sector in compliance with legal norms, with a clear belief in the social value of the law and behavior that conforms to the law. The article notes the need to comply with legal norms, legally justified resolution of legal issues in the course of practical activities, clear awareness and understanding of responsibility for non-performance or improper performance of their professional duties. The article focuses on the impact of legal knowledge on the development of professional competence of specialists whose activities require knowledge of current legislation and understanding of the mechanism of legal regulation in connection with the performance of certain functions in the relevant areas of economic relations and sectors of the country's economy. An attempt was made to isolate the structural elements of the legal culture of the future specialists taking into account the subjective and objective aspects of the phenomenon of the legal culture. The article focuses on the pedagogical issues of forming the legal culture of future specialists, which is to increase the requirements of society to the professional competence of future agricultural specialists, taking into account the legal aspects of their activities and the inadequate level of their readiness for professional activities with awareness of their legal consequences. Thus, the formation of the legal culture of future specialists depends on the legal culture of the teacher, who must have legal competence, as well as a set of pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the effective formation of legal culture. Unfortunately, today the educational and methodological process is insufficiently provided. This affects the ability of a future specialist to apply the acquired legal knowledge in practice, to be prepared for the dynamics of legislative changes, and to be willing to make such changes, especially those related to his or her future professional activities. This pedagogical problem determines the relevance and prospects for further research of the issues raised.

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