
The article is devoted to the characteristics of the traditional theme of "Saint Jerome in his study" and the alchemists and their direct influence on the theme of the "scholar's study" in Dutch painting of the XVII century. The author analyzes the common features of the painting theme of "St. Jerome in the study in the XV and XVI centuries. This theme is popular in Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. As a translator of the Bible, Saint Jerome became a exemplar revered by future scholars and humanists. The paintings on this theme depict two types of indicators, namely skulls, hourglasses, extinct candles - symbols of the transience of time, the inevitability of death. Books, writing utensils and ink are the attributes of scholars, they symbolize theology and literary activity. These types of things continue to appear in the paintings of the scholars' study, and this continuation is clear evidence that the theme of scholars' study comes from traditional religious paintings on the theme of St. Jerome. The second part of the article analyzes the works on the theme of alchemists, which represent the most negative image of the alchemist as a person who squandered family funds and generally neglected his household. However, the scene of the study of an alchemist in front of various alchemical equipment certainly inspired the artist to represent the scene of scientists conducting scientific research in a new age. Compared to the alchemist, the esoteric scientist, who values learning and philosophy along with exoteric pursuits, stands out as the most revered figure.

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