
Using colour microinjections the course of mesonephric nephrons was visualized in embryos of White Leghorn chicks on days 5-18. From the stage of the S-shaped body until their full maturity, the nephrons generally retain the S-shaped form, with two main flexures. The first flexure is formed at the point where the tubule runs closest to the Wolffian duct, the second, more distal flexure, at the site of juxtaposition to Bowman's capsule. The cranial, narrow part of the mesonephros contains rudimentary nephrons with mostly obliterated tubules and short nephrons often exhibiting an irregular course. Nephrons of the caudal part of the mesonephros grow rapidly in length forming secondary and tertiary infoldings. The nephrons situated ventrally are segmentally arranged in planes perpendicular to the long axis of the organ, whereas the dorsal nephrons are situated in various planes and their tubules are folded within narrow spaces of approximately ovoid form. Among the rare anomalies "two-headed" nephrons and nephrons lacking the main flexures are described.

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