
One of the resource-saving methods of drying, from the point of view of preserving food and biological value, providing the appropriate recovery properties of dried food products (DFP) and energy intensity of the process, is drying with mixed heat supply (MHS drying). The scientific concept of work on the formation of a universal and DFP stable functional and technological potential is formulated, which is the basis for modeling and designing the formulation composition and technology of food products by groups and types with its use or interchangeability. As the subject of research for the formation of quality indicators of cereals, white cabbage is selected, as it is a typical vegetable for Ukraine and accordingly has a high degree of assimilation of natural micronutrients in the human body. Structural studies have shown the predominantly crystalline structure of polysaccharides, that is, less than their transformation under conditions of MHS drying, as compared with convective conditions. The effect of MHS drying on the formation of DFP quality indicators is determined by the method of recording IR spectra with Fourier transform. For studies of the violation of total internal reflection, it has been established that the process of DFP reduction leads to an increase in the availability of organic substances in the solvent, which will facilitate the extraction of extractives in the recovery of raw materials. It is established by the number of aroma, the more aromatic-forming substances are contained in the MHS drying samples irrespective of the process temperature, less in the dried samples of the convective method. This is due to the reduction of thermal and thermal effects during MHS drying, which slows down chemical transformations and removes aromatic substances. It is proved by the tensometric method, with the convective method due to shrinkage during dehydration, the changes during sorption and desorption are insignificant. When MHS drying, such changes are expressed: during the sorption of vapors, DFP is well restored, the capillaries swell, so the differential distribution function of the pores expands, the average radius of the capillaries increases 4 ... 6 times. The research results make it possible to form the functional and technological parameters of cabbage powder, to simulate the formulation of new food products with this ingredient and to optimize the production technology.


  • The main problematic positions of the efficiency of the functioning of the processing, food and restaurant industry institutions in the modern market conditions of Ukraine are: rational use of food raw materials and secondary products, efficient use of energy, human and financial resources, targeting consumers’ needs, and creating state food stocks and for the diet of a special consumer contingent.Simultaneous analysis and solution of these problems allows to form the directions of attraction to technological flows of dried food products (DFP), which, from a physiological point of view, is a concentrate of all nutrients necessary for the human body, and with technological, semi-finished products of high degree of readiness.In Ukraine there are several enterprises for the production of dried products

  • The aim of research is studying the dependence of the formation of DFP quality indicators on the method and regimes of MHS drying, which will allow to optimize the formulation of products using these plant powders

  • According to the results of their previous studies, it is established that the powders made from cabbage, regardless of the method of their production, have high regradation properties in the aqueous phase, and in solutions of sodium chloride and sucrose, which are traditionally used in the production of food products [4]

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The main problematic positions of the efficiency of the functioning of the processing, food and restaurant industry institutions in the modern market conditions of Ukraine are: rational use of food raw materials and secondary products, efficient use of energy, human and financial resources, targeting consumers’ needs, and creating state food stocks and for the diet of a special consumer contingent (geologists, military, climbers, fishermen, athletes).Simultaneous analysis and solution of these problems allows to form the directions of attraction to technological flows of dried food products (DFP), which, from a physiological point of view, is a concentrate of all nutrients necessary for the human body, and with technological, semi-finished products of high degree of readiness.In Ukraine there are several enterprises for the production of dried products. The proposed methods of drying are energy-intensive and long-lasting, the technological properties of the final product do not always allow it to be widely used in food technology, and their functional and technological potential has not been sufficiently studied In this regard, the scientific concept of the work has been defined: the qualitative indicators of DFP – hydration, fat-loss, emulsifying ability, and the number of aroma-formed during drying, are determined by physicochemical and colloidal properties. The scientific concept of the work has been defined: the qualitative indicators of DFP – hydration, fat-loss, emulsifying ability, and the number of aroma-formed during drying, are determined by physicochemical and colloidal properties It is the basis for improving and developing innovative technologies, expanding the assortment of food products allows adapt technologies for various production conditions Sensor or organoleptic methods, based on the analysis of feelings of human sense organs, are widely used for evaluating consumption advantages of food products [1] Earlier there were offered the methods of mathematical statistics, numerical modeling and forecasting that give a

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