
The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the formation of technical competence in future teachers of labor education and technology as a part of professional competence. The formation of technical competence in the future teacher of labor training and technology will be an ideal result of professional training, which has the form of educational and qualification characteristics of the specialist and provides the ideal result of education. After all, training a future teacher who will master the necessary knowledge of construction materials, the ability to design products taking into account the properties of materials, to make economic calculations when selecting materials for the project and will be able to successfully develop their own technical skills.Modern higher education works towards finding a solution to the problem of effective formation of competencies in the applicant. This is due to a new stage in the development of education, to review and change the content of education in secondary education to create a favorable educational environment for the development of secondary education, expanding the range of interests and positive interest in learning new things that will form certain life competencies. The national development of education in Ukraine is aimed at implementing the project “New Ukrainian School”, which will fully create conditions for the educational process in which the children can express themselves creatively as individuals and form key competencies for dynamic integration of knowledge, skills, acquired skills to be able to evaluate other views, values and personal qualities, which will be the basis for successful further educational activities. The future teacher must be a professional in his field, have developed competencies, experience and pedagogical skills, i.e., be ready to form key competencies in the applicant for secondary education.
 Keywords: educational process; applicant; teacher of labor education; teacher of technology; professional competence; technical competence; professional competence; institution of higher education; New Ukrainian school; interdisciplinary connection.

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